Directions to WJAA Sports Complex (Not The Gym)
From Eastgate to WJAA Sports Complex
Drive East on State Route 32
Turn Right on Dela Palma Road.
Turn Left on East Main Street.
East Main Street Turns into Old State Route 32.
Continue Past Santa Barbara Drive.
Turn Right at the WJAA Sports Complex.
From Bethel or Felecity
Drive North on SR 133 until you reach Williamsburg
Turn Right on East Main Street / Old State Route 32
Continue Past Santa Barbara Drive
Turn Right at the WJAA Sports Complex
Address for your GPS
3759 Old State Rte 32 Williamsburg Ohio 45176
Directions to WJAA Basketball Gym (Old High School)
Address For Your GPS
141 South Broadway Williamsburg Ohio 45176
From Eastgate:
Travel East on Sr 32 Past Batavia.
Take the Williamsburg Exit
Turn Right off the exit onto Ohio 133
Turn Left at the 4 Way stop onto Main Street (133)
Turn Right on South Broadway (Past the BP)
Gym is on your right at the top of the Hill.
From Bethel/ Felcity
Travel North on 133 Towards Williamsburg
Turn Left onto Main Street
Continue thought town.
Turn Left Onto South Broadwat.
Gym is on your Right.
From Mt. Orab (Brown County)
Travel West on SR. 32
Take the Williamsburg Exit
Turn Right onto SR 133
Turn Left at the 4 Way stop onto Main Street (133)
Turn Right on South Broadway (Past the BP)
Gym is on your right at the top of the Hill.
WJAA Complex Park Map

Park Rules
No Pets
No Smoking
No Parking On Side Of Driveway (This is a Fire Lane)
No Alcoholic Beverages
No Fighting
No Outside Food or Coolers (with the exception of soccer halftime snacks). Water coolers are ok.
No Firearms
No Illegal Drugs
No Climbing fences, buildings etc.·
No Profanity is permitted anywhere on park grounds.
No Parking in spaces reserved for board, or handicapped.
No Harassment of umpires, players or coaches at any time.
No Trespassing- The Park is for WJAA teams, members and those teams practices and games. WJAA is not public property and is not an open practice facility.
We reserve the right to eject anyone from the park, who in our sole judgment, is displaying conduct deemed detrimental to the activities of the park and it’s intended purpose.
Most of this is common sense. Show up and cheer for your child. While you are here respect park property and the environment we are trying to create for our kids. Be safe and have the safety of others in mind.